#Amazon isoburn full#
You may return a defective, faulty, damaged, or incorrect item for a full refund of the price you paid, including original delivery costs, Import Fees Deposit and a credit of S$30 to cover reasonable substantiated delivery costs associated with returning the item(s) to us. If your reasonable return shipping costs exceed S$30, Contact us before shipping the item and provide evidence to us to substantiate the reasonable costs incurred, for which you will be reimbursed. Please use the Returns Support Centre to return a defective item within 30 days of receipt of delivery. Otto: Your points reflect approaches to stereo-to-surround which have already been attempted.
#Amazon isoburn pro#
You are not the first person to think that extracting instruments from stereo is the way to go and, certainly, there are both programs like Audition and VSTs like Extra Boy Pro (among others) that do extraction and isolation.

The issue is that no one really does it well enough to convince me that going back and re-attempting that will lead to better sound quality than what a good conversion with SPEC can offer. This is why a whole lot of SPEC is about panning, but doing so in a manner that creates more separation than past attempts at doing so. Part of doing well here is letting go of the fact that you do not have multitracks, are working with stereo, and aim towards doing the best you possibly can with your stereo source.
#Amazon isoburn how to#
In my discussions with Zeerround, it's my understanding that he would love to move beyond platforms like Plogue, but is still in the learning process of how to do so. You mention Audition, and I call tell you that there's a whole lot more people behind developing at Adobe and there are developing SPEC. I'd still put my money on the guy doing SPEC. Listening to a variety of upmixes over the years and commenting on quality is one thing, Otto, but taking an active role in seeing what you can do with SPEC is another. This is why I again applaud both Jon and Tim for taking the time to learn the method, and why I suggest you familiarize yourself much more before commenting further. These are experienced guys who aren't duped easily and know a good thing when they see it. I/we are not wedded to Plogue as the end all/be all of a DAW for upmixing/conversion. It's just that I haven't found any other FFT tools or source code that perform as well. SPEC is based on doing everything in the frequency domain, and Plogue has FFT/iFFT "bidules" to convert to/from the time domain and their implementation not only sounds better than VSTs that do that, but also uses less CPU to do it. I need two FFTs and five iFFTs to make SPEC. The other uniqueness I'm exploiting in Plogue is that they have a published SDK so I can make my own C++ plugins that work with the magnitude and frequency signals used by the FFT/iFFT "bidules".

One final note, Plogue's FFT/iFFT are actually misnamed, as they are actually Phase vocoders, giving you magnitude and (absolute) frequency per bin vs. Magnitude and phase or even delta frequency. If someone can point me to FFT/Wavelet/Phase Vocoder/etc/ software that is as or more highly optimized than what is in Plogue I'll be all over it, turning SPEC into a VST that could be used in any DAW, foobar, winamp, etc.